Fix : Can't print from outlook in Windows 10

การแก้ไขไม่สามารถปริ้นใน outlook ได้

-Close the running Outlook application

-Go to following path C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook

-and rename file OutlPrnt with some other name like OutlPrnt.old

-run the Outlook application again

Fix Can't add share Printer have Error 0x000003e3


because the device does not remember the password. Or not setting a password for the user account on a host of a sharing printer

So we need to add access to a host of  sharing printer

Go to  Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Credential Manager

Windows Credentials -→Add a Windows credentials

Input the information for access to the host. then try to install a shared printer again.